About Us

Resilient Design Consultants LLC (RDC) is a SWaM consulting firm in Virginia Beach, Virginia, focusing on stormwater and site design with significant experience in stormwater modeling. Founded in July of 2021, RDC is focused on developing relationships with clients, understanding their needs, and executing tasks at a high level. We pursue projects and clients that align with our core values of integrity, innovation, and philanthropy.

The name, Resilient Design Consultants, comes from the increased need for sustainable and resilient designs. With RDC based in Virginia Beach and much of our experience is along the east coast, we have seen the impacts of climate change. Along the coast, tidal flooding events are becoming more and more frequent. Significant storm events are occurring on a more regular basis. This has been proven by NOAA increasing their rainfall depth and intensity charts, which is nationwide not just along the coast. Given these challenges, RDC is prepared to design for present and future conditions.

Three men in hard hats and safety vests looking out a window.


RDC is upfront and transparent. We stand behind our contracts, designs, and services. When developing scopes and fees, we believe in providing complete scopes that include all tasks that are required. We do not believe in preparing limited scopes to reduce our fee to win the project knowing we can request fees for additional services later.

A city with buildings and construction equipment.
A truck is driving down the street in front of some buildings.


As a small firm RDC must be efficient and innovation drives efficiency. That means learning how to use the tools available to us to their fullest potential. RDC is not afraid to try new ideas, concepts, and design approaches. Our team has successfully presented innovative approaches to regulatory agencies with significant benefit to our clients.


Resilient Design Consultants is very fortunate for the opportunities that our clients afforded us. It is our commitment to help and provide opportunities for others. A minimum 5% of tasks performed by Resilient Design Consultants will be donated to a charity of the Client’s choice.

A construction site with cranes and buildings.

About Our Owner and President

A man in glasses and a suit is smiling.

Steven Rowe


As the son of a homebuilder and commercial carpenter, Steve has always been involved in construction. Prior to graduating college, he worked as a farm hand, mason laborer, and construction laborer, gaining valuable insight into the nuances of building trades from foundation to finish. This not only instilled a great work ethic but also a hands-on introduction to construction that has shaped his engineering designs/mindset.

Steve graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology as a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineer Technology. He worked for land development engineering firms for ten years before turning his focus to stormwater engineering and modeling for the past seven. Land development has always been his passion however, and even while focusing on stormwater engineering, he continued to build a land development client base.

After 17 years in private consulting for various firms, Steve wanted something different. Something where he could take time to get to know his clients, get to know their passions and project goals. Grow a client base whose passions and values aligned with his. To work on projects that truly benefit the community and sustainably designed to reduce the project’s impact on the environment. And lastly to give back. Philanthropy is part of Resilient Design Consultants’ culture. It is Steve’s desire to make sure there is time to volunteer and profits to donate. The goal is not to grow Resilient Design Consultants into a multi-million-dollar consulting firm. The goal is to responsibly grow a consulting firm that stays true to its core values which benefits its clients, employees, community, and the environment.